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## Action
### URL
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## Media
### Floorplan
### Image
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### Title
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## Popup
### Body
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Other sizes available
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- Wooden base and legs
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Other sizes available
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- Metal Brass Gold legs
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Other sizes available
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Cubic meters: 0.96
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- Travertino Novano Porcelain
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
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- Wooden base and legs
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- Wooden base and legs
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- Brass Gold Metal Legs
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- Wooden base and legs
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Other sizes available
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- Hettich Hinges
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
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Other sizes available
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-Plywood Wood Structure; front, arm and behind
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Other sizes available
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- Travertino Novano Porcelain
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Other sizes available
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- Travertino Novano Porcelain
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Other sizes available
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Cubic meters: 2.26
- 15 mm Plywood structure
- 10 mm Fully Sheet Back Mechanism
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- Up seating fiber 300 gr
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Cubic meters: 0.84
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- Travertino Novano Porcelain
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Cubic meters: 0.88
- MDF Lacquer Painting
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
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- Travertino Novano Porcelain
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
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Other sizes available
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Cubic meters: 2.45
- 15 mm Plywood structure
- 10 mm Fully Sheet Back Mechanism
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- Up seating fiber 300 gr
- Back inside feather foam 35 DNS
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Cubic meters: 2.05
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- Up seating fiber 300 gr
- Back inside feather foam 35 DNS
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Other sizes available
Pieces of package: 15
Cubic meters: 1.2
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Cubic meters: 0.08
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Cubic meters: 0.02
- MDF American Walnut Veneer
- Hettich Hinges
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
htmlText_BF3D77ED_C1B6_1DA0_41C3_A64D26A7996F.html = Length: 42 Width: 32 Height: 110
Other materials available
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.18
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_43199309_C1B6_7667_41E4_265E13B44AE9.html = Length: 45 Width: 106 Height: 40
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.18
- 15 mm Plywood structure
- 10 mm Fully Sheet Back Mechanism
- Seating sponge 35 DNS HR
- Up seating fiber 300 gr
- Back inside feather foam 35 DNS
htmlText_BC5F8C24_C1B2_12A7_41E4_50A871962E36.html = Length: 45 Width: 106 Height: 40
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.25
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_BA5BC1EE_C673_F5A3_41D4_4081B9196340.html = Length: 47 Width: 46 Height: 83
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.22
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_E4A31069_C847_262C_41DD_2CA925AD7329.html = Length: 50 Width: 53 Height: 86
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.22
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_D8FCE703_C841_2BDC_41E1_BF63CBE2B8AA.html = Length: 51 Width: 52 Height: 86
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.22
- MDF American Walnut Veneer
- Hettich Hinges
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
htmlText_45817B64_C656_16A0_41D7_A494189A6C8A.html = Length: 54 Width: 48 Height: 87
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.2
- MDF American Walnut Veneer
- Wooden base and legs
htmlText_44612A04_C652_1660_41D7_33771D598020.html = Length: 54 Width: 83 Height: 85
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.5
- Steamed Beech Wood Skeleton Base
- 32 DNS Extra Forta Sponge
- 7 Cm Green Elastic Band
-Plywood Wood Structure; front, arm and behind
htmlText_B90E2A47_C656_16E0_41E7_431C7F855DD1.html = Length: 54 Width: 83 Height: 85
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.5
- Steamed Beech Wood Skeleton Base
- 32 DNS Extra Forta Sponge
- 7 Cm Green Elastic Band
-Plywood Wood Structure; front, arm and behind
htmlText_D90EADBE_C843_3E24_41DE_5EB41EC83429.html = Length: 54 Width: 83 Height: 85
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.5
- Steamed Beech Wood Skeleton Base
- 32 DNS Extra Forta Sponge
- 7 Cm Green Elastic Band
-Plywood Wood Structure; front, arm and behind
htmlText_B972F151_C1B2_F2E0_41D8_00BDB3CD4404.html = Length: 58 Width: 62 Height: 83
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.32
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_B9ACC1E1_C67F_F5A3_41B6_3C75238DA659.html = Length: 60 Width: 45 Height: 120
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.44
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_46E075D8_C672_1DE0_41E5_626D8EC1EB69.html = Length: 62 Width: 42 Height: 50
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.18
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_FA60A0F9_C847_262C_41CA_6716815B031A.html = Length: 62 Width: 42 Height: 50
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.18
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_B41FD509_C1B2_1260_41E3_764A5432AAFE.html = Length: 62 Width: 55 Height: 85
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.33
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_B9AC7841_C652_32E0_41E4_8738C5FBF447.html = Length: 66 Width: 48 Height: 44
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.19
- MDF American Walnut Veneer
htmlText_BA6FC022_C656_12A0_41D9_9215EF807C54.html = Length: 66 Width: 48 Height: 44
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.19
- MDF American Walnut Veneer
htmlText_BA69AE6A_C676_0EA1_41E6_C8ADD031E817.html = Length: 68 Width: 22 Height: 92
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.04
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_448B6A97_C651_F660_41DA_E322A59CEBC9.html = Length: 80 Width: 3 Height: 80
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.06
- MDF American Walnut Veneer
htmlText_42A962E1_C1B2_17A0_41E8_6CC46B90745C.html = Length: 80 Width: 73 Height: 80
Pieces of package: 3
Cubic meters: 0.4
- 15 mm Plywood structure
- 10 mm Fully Sheet Back Mechanism
- Seating sponge 35 DNS HR
- Up seating fiber 300 gr
- Back inside feather foam 35 DNS
htmlText_BAC95996_C1F2_7260_41DD_DFCB2B8F74C2.html = Length: 80 Width: 84 Height: 82
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.66
- 15 mm Plywood Structure
- 10 mm Fully Sheet Back Mechanism
- Seating sponge 35 DNS HR
- Up seating fiber 300 gr
- Back inside feather foam 35 DNS
htmlText_B89130EB_C1F2_33A0_41E6_EB28A05B8C3A.html = Length: 88 Width: 7 Height: 67
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.08
- MDF Lacquer Painting
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
htmlText_D8E593E1_C84E_EA5C_41E1_3E4C00E1F052.html = Length: 90 Width: 3 Height: 90
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.04
- MDF American Walnut Veneer
- Hettich Hinges
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
htmlText_B91ADD56_C1B6_F2E0_41C7_C544DF6BD90E.html = Length: 92 Width: 4 Height: 92
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.04
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_BBECF3E6_C652_75A0_41C4_72CFC0F3D588.html = Length: 95 Width: 42 Height: 164
Pieces of package: 2
Cubic meters: 0.7
- American walnut veneer MDF
- Wooden base and legs
htmlText_50EB7753_C1B2_3EE7_41D1_0B2E0BE7D768.html = Length: 99 Width: 99 Height: 34
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.38
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_4C96D92C_C1BE_F2A0_41D9_C06C00B06E8C.html = Name: Foresta Upperboard 180
Length: 180 Width: 4 Height: 110
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.14
Name: Foresta Upperboard 80
Length: 80 Width: 4 Height: 110
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.07
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_BB8CBCB4_C652_13A0_41E5_DBE99B67EAE5.html = Length: 120 Width: 70 Height: 45
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.44
- American walnut veneer MDF
- Wooden base and legs
htmlText_52222DAD_C1B2_0DA0_41D0_129B00589ADA.html = Name: Foresta TV Cabinet 180
Length: 180 Width: 50 Height: 40
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.41
Name: Foresta TV Cabinet 80
Length: 80 Width: 50 Height: 40
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.19
- MDF Oak Italian Veneer
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
htmlText_B8F19C3C_C1FE_72A0_41D6_0DE603434EF6.html = Name: Icon Porcelain Coffee Table
Length: 110 Width: 56 Height: 34
Pieces of package: 3
Cubic meters: 0.27
Name: Icon Lacquer Coffee Table
Length: 96 Width: 64 Height: 30
Pieces of package: 2
Cubic meters: 0.24
Name: Icon Side Table
Length: 65 Width: 30 Height: 185
Pieces of package: 4
Cubic meters: 0.47
- MDF Lacquer Painting
- Travertino Novano Porcelain
- Brass Gold Metal Legs
htmlText_46BCF7F2_C676_1DA0_41E6_C87363058F1A.html = Name: Viola Wardrobe Blocks
Length: 400 Width: 60 Height: 230
Other sizes available
Pieces of package: 16
Cubic meters: 2
Name: Viola Wardrobe Corner Module
Length: 95 Width: 95 Height: 230
Pieces of package: 5
Cubic meters: 0.6
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_B9AF1D49_C672_F2E0_41D3_6F8D772DD916.html = Length: 103 Width: 2 Height: 103
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.04
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_B9E16377_C676_36A0_41D2_DAA6FF00A0AC.html = Length: 220 Width: 42 Height: 63
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 0.42
- Top Surfaces MDF wavy OAK veneer
- Font Surface MDF Moon color
- Metal Brass Gold legs
htmlText_D88907B4_C843_2A25_41D2_175D11CAB6CB.html = Length: 225 Width: 100 Height: 83
Other sizes available
Pieces of package: 1
Cubic meters: 1.5
- Steamed Beech Wood Skeleton Base
- 32 DNS Extra Forta Sponge
- 7 Cm Green Elastic Band
-Plywood Wood Structure; front, arm and behind
### Title
window_42A932E3_C1B2_17A0_41A5_33B86BE98F0F.title = Foresta Bergere
window_50EB3757_C1B2_3EE0_41E2_0A861BF514ED.title = Foresta Center Table
window_B41E250A_C1B2_1260_41E1_A3B3029BBCA4.title = Foresta Chair Metal
window_B9722152_C1B2_F2E0_41C2_A46A8B03EF7A.title = Foresta Chair Wooden
window_BC0CF681_C1B6_FE60_41E0_94071EBB17EB.title = Foresta Corner Element
window_E542CEE1_C841_7A5C_41C8_8D50BF74D72F.title = Foresta Dining Table
window_E67F77AB_C842_EA2C_41AE_D34C8B24ECB0.title = Foresta Dining Table
window_B91A0D57_C1B6_F2E0_41D5_2EFBA9C1CF92.title = Foresta Mirror
window_E8B68846_C84F_E665_41C2_B3E0E725A5F9.title = Foresta Side Board
window_43195314_C1B6_7660_41E2_B564245D7095.title = Foresta Side Table
window_BC585C2A_C1B2_12A0_41C6_25A7D42BD8E0.title = Foresta Side Table
window_BD00285C_C1B6_72E0_41AC_2DC4BAA76CC2.title = Foresta Single Seater
window_52229DB1_C1B2_0DA0_41DC_EB019ED78835.title = Foresta TV Cabinet
window_56DE58EB_C1B2_13A1_41E3_4E71FD17E624.title = Foresta Three Seater
window_E4BD0068_C847_262C_41DC_BE92EB4418AD.title = Foresta Upholstery
window_BF3C87F1_C1B6_1DA0_41E4_379B27DA0A67.title = Foresta Upper Cabinet
window_4C96192F_C1BE_F2A0_41D1_C0A1340A4153.title = Foresta Upperboard
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window_B85E6D65_C1F2_12A3_41E2_53D272D1EBD5.title = Icon Bookshelf
window_BB2C01CE_C1F2_35E0_41DF_71814C1448CC.title = Icon Bookshelf
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window_B7360961_C1D2_12A0_41D0_8966D3037733.title = Icon TV Cabinet
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window_A66EF9E0_C1D6_75A0_41BD_4B3E42E2278E.title = Icon Three Seater
window_B89160F1_C1F2_33A3_41E7_2D39A81FFE81.title = Icon Wall Light
window_D90E8DB9_C843_3E2E_41C6_FF5DA34C5FEB.title = Magnum Armchair
window_44617A05_C652_1660_41CB_E2B2691D44AF.title = Magnum Armchair
window_B90E7A4D_C656_16E0_41C7_4FB4725108ED.title = Magnum Armchair
window_43C98A06_C652_1660_41C1_B89A150BB00F.title = Magnum Bedstead
window_45814B6A_C656_16A0_41D8_FD0A4D85F14A.title = Magnum Chair
window_BB8D7CB9_C652_13A1_41E7_0743FDD849AB.title = Magnum Coffee Table
window_BB35DD5C_C656_12E0_41E5_B665D14FE556.title = Magnum Dining Table
window_E68FEFA1_C9C3_3A21_41A4_8FCED2CC00BE.title = Magnum Dresser
window_BB193D20_C65E_12A1_41E7_0AE74B32AF4C.title = Magnum Mirror
window_448B9A9E_C651_F660_41DD_23BA93028FDA.title = Magnum Mirror
window_BA6F9026_C656_12A0_41B6_6930D3DCD686.title = Magnum Nightstand
window_B9AC2846_C652_32E1_41B9_8B7FE79D751F.title = Magnum Nightstand
window_BF23329D_C1AE_1660_41E1_8DD8D4107A65.title = Magnum Pouf
window_BBECB3EC_C652_75A0_41D1_CEB8CFF1B9F6.title = Magnum Showcase
window_407E99A9_C652_35A0_41D0_B86D888F7F44.title = Magnum Side Board
window_B9F44DDD_C656_0DE0_41C6_A51725AEDADC.title = Magnum TV Cabinet
window_B9CC8AC7_C652_17E0_41C4_66CDDF16DB91.title = Magnum TV Cabinet
window_D889E7B0_C843_2A3C_41BE_6410BCC2804A.title = Magnum Three Seater
window_D81D44D5_C843_2E64_41D9_92136DE58F86.title = Magnum Three Seater
window_B955ADC5_C652_0DE1_41DF_3AEE6762B30A.title = Magnum Wardrobe
window_D9457C4D_C842_DE64_41B5_0201C8A05C85.title = Sirius Bookcase 120
window_D8FEF700_C841_2BDC_41E3_8BDC5987BBAF.title = Sirius Chair
window_D9E6A2C9_C841_2A6C_41D1_6B57F34908CB.title = Sirius Coffee Table
window_D8F53EBD_C841_3A24_41C0_90DF1120E4BA.title = Sirius Dining Table
window_D8E783DD_C84E_EA67_41E6_C63F6A1D5545.title = Sirius Mirror
window_D8DA0728_C841_2A2C_41D8_BAAABE524618.title = Sirius Side Board
window_D8E899B2_C843_E63D_41DF_A8E1812818F6.title = Sirius Side Table
window_D8EA6AAE_C847_5A24_41C6_268DAB596C06.title = Sirius TV Cabinet
window_D93E5D0C_C841_3FE4_41E2_495A940FFE17.title = Sirius TV Top Board
window_45711F3C_C672_0EA1_41CE_EBD41839A9BC.title = Viola Bedstead
window_B96917F3_C671_FDA0_41D5_897CE6C67E20.title = Viola Bench
window_BA5A01F1_C673_F5A0_41D5_FA57D9695EFA.title = Viola Chair
window_B9ACF1E4_C67F_F5A0_4171_4B41D325DA97.title = Viola Chest of Drawer
window_BAFB729F_C672_1660_41E4_56BDA68D3E14.title = Viola Coffee Table
window_B91DD692_C672_1E60_41E4_BAC27E0511D0.title = Viola Dining Table
window_B9F6A33F_C67E_169F_41E4_EBE27DB1BAD6.title = Viola Dresser
window_B9AF5D4D_C672_F2E0_4192_DFD3E21B43ED.title = Viola Mirror
window_FA62B0F5_C847_2624_41D6_EE6B36448A2C.title = Viola Nightstand
window_46E1B5DD_C672_1DE0_41D6_D5AC59AE8219.title = Viola Nightstand
window_B8F3EABA_C672_37A1_41E6_0A2899946DFD.title = Viola Side Board
window_B9E1537B_C676_36A0_41D0_2A9B46BE9374.title = Viola TV Cabinet
window_BA695E6F_C676_0EA0_41E3_D14220DD7DB1.title = Viola TV Shelf
window_BAE68FCD_C676_0DE0_41D7_DEFD125B8373.title = Viola TV Top Shelf
window_46BC27F4_C676_1DA0_41D2_F205003D538F.title = Viola Wardrobe
## Skin
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## Tour
### Description
tour.description =
### Title
tour.name = KukaHome